I-mean 3, Identity and Language Conference

Bristol 18-20 April 2013

The third imean conference will address the relationship between language and identity.
Following the imean tradition, we seek to explore ways in which researchers can fruitfully work across methodological and disciplinary boundaries. We also welcome scholars from other disciplines who have an interest in the links between language and identity.

The conference aims to explore whether and to what extent bringing together different methodological and theoretical approaches can:
- Enhance understanding of identity attribution in interaction
- Lead to theoretically robust methodological innovation

Exploring how speakers use language to claim an identity has been explored but also challenged in the various traditions (ranging from mainstream sociolinguistic theory to linguistic anthropology). In the broadly defined field of sociolinguistics there are many conceptualisations of ‘identity’. Through language we actively construct and negotiate our self and social identities. It is through language that we index, directly and indirectly, who we are/how we wish to be perceived and where we (want to) belong. We see identity as (not exclusively but to a large extent) a linguistic phenomenon, dynamic and constantly evolving.

Papers are invited from researchers working across different linguistic fields and traditions, focusing on any aspect of language and identity.

Main conference themes:
- Constructionist and post modern approaches to identity
- Identity in spoken interaction: methodologies and methods
- Three waves of variation studies
- Variation, identity and language change, revisited
- Multimodal approaches
- The relationship between role and identity
- Culture, language(s) and identity
- Identity Theory and Social Theory

Plenary speakers:
Dawn Archer
Nik Coupland
Penny Eckert
Lorenza Mondada
Ben Rampton
Ruth Wodak

Round table: Stances, methodologies and methods for the analysis of identity in interaction.
Invited panels:
Imean III will host two invited panels. Details will be announced by the end of January 2013.

Submission Details:

Panel Proposals:
Panels proposals are invited by 6 January 2013. Decisions about panels will be made by 14 January. Panel organisers should oversee abstracts from panel members, with up to 6 papers in a panel (2 X 90 minute slots). Individual panel members should submit abstracts, clearly marked with Panel names, to the main conference email address by 31 January 2013 as below. All abstracts (in panels and the main conference) will be subject to double blind review as always.

Individual Papers:
Abstracts of no more than 350 words (max and including references, if absolutely necessary) are invited. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is the 31 January 2013. Abstracts should not include the name and affiliation of the author(s).

To submit an abstract please use the following web-service: http://linguistlist.org/confservices/imean2013

The conference web-site is now live at:

In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact i-Mean@uwe.ac.uk, Kate.Beeching@uwe.ac.uk or Jo.Angouri@uwe.ac.uk for further information.

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