15th Summer Institute on Sexuality, Culture, and Society

Programme Dates
July 4-28,2011

Student profile
The Summer Institute is open to students with a focused interest in sexuality research, MA and Ph.D. students, students at one of the Dutch research schools, participants in other International School programmes, and students or professionals from NGO's engaged in AIDS and/or sexuality research.

Students with no previous experience in the field should consider taking an introductory course prior to applying to the Summer Institute.

Since 1995, we have had over 385 students from 40 different countries. Twenty-five percent of the participants were professionals working for NGO's. The others had diverse educational backgrounds; in the social sciences (anthropology, sociology, psychology), women's studies, history, public health, or human sexuality studies.

The aim of the course is to explore and study the social and cultural dimensions of human sexuality and gain training in areas of sexuality research - both theory and method - not commonly available in other institutions.

The participation of an international multidisciplinary faculty and students from different educational and cultural backgrounds provides a fruitful and challenging atmosphere enjoyed by students and faculty alike. During seminars, lunches, and weekly "get-togethers," conversations, and activities, informal contacts between the faculty, students, and guest lecturers flourish. The sharing of varied experiences, research, plans of work, and perspectives provide a unique networking opportunity, thereby increasing participants' knowledge within an international context.

For information, visit the course

Agradeço a profa. Izabel Magalhães pela informação.

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