New Zealand Discourse Conference (NZDC5)

7-9 December 2015
AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand

Submissions are invited for the 5th New Zealand Discourse Conference from academics and others interested in discourse analysis that addresses theoretical, methodological or empirical research in a variety of applications.

Given the increasing use of discourse analysis in many disciplines submissions are not limited to any one particular theme. However some of the areas that have been included in our previous conferences include:
- Culture and identity
- Gender and diversity
- Marketing and consumption
- (New) media
- Community and health
- Place, space and time
- Professions and institutions
- Work, management and organization
- Computer-mediated communication
- Literary and historical texts
- Public policy and the state
- Ideology, power and knowledge
- Globalization and development
- Finance
- Education and learning
- Practice and praxis
- Language and communication
- Science and technology
- Creativity and the arts
- Politics

Ruth Wodak

Bob Hodge

Donald Matheson

Submission deadline: 31 May 2015

Due to the increasing growth of NZDC, in 2015 we will include an extra stream of individual paper presentations, and for the first time accept proposals for poster presentations and themed symposia.

Individual Papers
Each presentation will be allocated a 30-minute time slot, 20 minutes for presentation followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Papers are typically scheduled in a session of three presentations, which, where possible, will share a common theme.

Time will be scheduled during the conference for authors of posters to informally discuss their work with conference attendees. At least one author of each accepted poster is required to register for the conference, and to present their poster during the scheduled poster session.

Themed symposia
Symposia sessions, which provide an opportunity for a group of researchers to present on a single topic, should involve three presenters and one discussant. Each symposium will comprise 20 minutes presentation per speaker and 30 minutes for open discussion, introduced and led by the discussant.

Submission details
All abstracts for full paper presentations may be submitted via the Easy Abstracts submission facility of the Linguist List which can be accessed at

Abstracts for individual papers and posters should be 200-300 words in length (excluding references) and include 3-5 key words. Abstracts for themed symposia should include a 200-300 word abstract related to the symposium proposal, as well as a 200-300 word abstract for each individual presenter.

All abstracts should include a title, and clearly identify the topic of analysis, theoretical orientations, and discourse analytical approach employed. Abstracts will be anonymously reviewed and notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 31th July, 2015. Individuals may submit up to two abstracts if one of those is co-authored and the other sole authored.
You will receive an acknowledgement upon receipt of your submission. If you do not receive this

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